Sunday, January 23, 2005


I haven't written anything on my blog in an extremely long time, so long in fact that I doubt anyone still visits my blog to see if I have posted anything. Mine was a dead blog. So I thought, instead of resuscitating it. I would just delete it and resurrect it anew.

To my friends and family, I am doing well here in Moscow, Idaho, learning much at New St. Andrews College. This term we have an assignment in history class to be a monk for a few minutes each day, reading a psalm outloud and a creed, reading from the Rule for Monasteries and copying down a short passage from the book of Hubakkuk. I am also researching my grandfather, Pastor Herbert Butt, to write a paper about him. I think I am more excited about this assignment than any I have had while getting a B.A. in history from the University of Idaho!