Monday, September 19, 2005


I went to the Christ Church / Trinity Reformed Church picnic the other day and a couple people mentioned out of the blue that they had read my blog, so I guess I had better update it more than once or twice every millennium! I'm not in the mood to wax eloquent, but I can at least let my friends and relatives know what’s keeping me busy these days.

I’m working for a guy named Jim Miller here in Moscow, doing construction. He’s a great guy to work for. I couldn’t ask for a better boss. So if there are any employers out there who want to know how to make their employees enjoy working for them, call Jim Miller. I mean it.

I’m also teaching one class at Atlas School, a one-day-a-week art and art history class. People always ask me if I’ve had experience in art when I mention that I’m teaching this class. Perhaps they’re worried that I’m teaching the boys the art of nail pounding or lumber sawing—which is, I dare say, an important art in its own right. (The work of our hands and our lives is always art in one sense.) But no, I’m doing my best to work through all the important historical art periods and have the boys do hands-on things, mostly drawing assignments, which reinforce the historical lesson.

It is a real privilege to teach the Atlas boys. They are a REALLY fun bunch to teach. This is of course what everyone says about them, but that is because it’s true! They speak up in class and I enjoy answering their questions.

The other thing I’m doing is taking piano lessons from a lady named Jung Spooner, who is also a choral conductor and voice instructor at U of I. Wow, she really knows her stuff! I told her that I wanted to learn the basics and for her to be a bit strict and, well, let’s just say I’m getting my money’s worth. I’m progressing slowly, but surely, working on scales mostly and some basic sight reading.

I thank the Lord that he has given me these pursuits in Moscow right now. Please pray that I will perform them joyfully.

Another thing that’s been on my mind is the founding of a CREC Church in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. There are now over 50 CREC churches! Amazing! And there are about 12 families interested in starting a CREC church in Coeur d’Alene, my home town. Please pray that it will be founded soon and with the abundant blessings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I just got a PowerBook G4!

For those of you who don't know, that means a MacIntosh computer. I found that Macs are kind of like cars; they lose quite a bit of their value after you first purchase it, so I bought a one-year-old model on Ebay for $1200, which contains software and hardware that would cost about $3,200 new according to my friend, who knows about such things. Anyway, I'm very excited to start using the new "Tiger" operating system and everything.