A word about personality typing: One thing I've realized is that if you want to know and understand your own personality, taking a test may not be the best option. It's better to understand the concepts behind the test by reading a book like Please Understand Me II by John Keirsey and then think about them over time with regard to yourself and people you know. I know this because my own test results have changed over the years. (The latest is that I think I'm either an INFP or an INTP.) Not only does the book help you understand people as individuals, but it explains how the types relate to one another. And without this understanding, knowing your type is not very useful.
Another thing you will discover is that some people are hard to type because they have such full and rich personalities. They are very creative (love to dance, research, make music, etc.), a perceiver (P) strength, and yet they are well scheduled and discriminating and are excellent teachers, judger strengths (J). Introverts can learn how to fill out their latent capacity for extroversion and extroverts can learn how to hold back when necessary. Some NFs can also be thoroughly guided by logic (I think of my pastor, Doug Wilson) and perhaps some NTs can also be intuitive sorts of people as well.
And another interesting thing is that people can compliment one another over time. All of the types are relative. For example, when I am at home, I am definitely the extrovert of the family and also seem to have my mind made up about everything (J), but among my friends and acquaintances, I am definitely more of an I and a P. Well, here are the prayers. Enjoy!
ISTJ - God, help me to begin relaxing about little details tomorrow at 11:41:32 am.
ISFJ - Lord, help me to be more laid back, and help me to do it exactly right.
INFJ - Lord, help me not be a perfectionist (Did I spell that right?)
INTJ - Lord, keep me open to others’ ideas, wrong though they may be.
ISTP - God, help me to consider people’s feelings, even if most of them are hypersensitive.
ISFP - Lord, help me to stand up for my rights (if You don’t mind my asking).
INFP - Lord, help me to finish everything I sta
INTP - Lord, help me be less independent, but let me do it my way.
ESTP - God, help me to take responsibility for my own actions, even though they’re usually not my fault.
ESFP - God, help me to take things more seriously especially parties and dancing.
ENFP - God, help me keep my mind on one thing - Look, a bird - at a time.
ENTP - God, help me follow established procedures today. On second thought, I’ll settle for a few minutes.
ESTJ - God, help me to try not to run everything, but if You need some help, just ask.
ESFJ - Lord, give me patience and I mean right now.
ENFJ - God, help me to do only what I can and trust You for the rest. Do You mind putting that in writing?
ENTJ - God, help me to slow downandnotrushthroughwhatIdoAmen.