Saturday, April 30, 2005

Clean up crew

New St. Andrews College just participated in a clean up of downtown Moscow. Here's a silly poem about it:

Down the dusty sidewalk, carry we the
Bags, the black unsated bags with gaping
Lips, free, flapping in the wind that gather
Trash and every item out of station:

Cigarettes and wrappers, drinking straws and
Plastic sacks that cling to muddy corners,
All yield, to human tentacles, zealous
Fleshy fingers feeding laughing caverns.

Trowels fall and scrape the cracks where Dandy
Lions creep, a sword against unwieldy
Stems, wielded not in vain, for wilderness
Flees before us down beneath the pavement.

"What's the group you guys are with?" "St. Andrews
College...Your welcome!" That's our building there."


Anonymous said...

Hey Marty,
I just found your blog. Look forward to reading more.

-someone you knew a long time ago

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is someone I knew a long time ago? Is this someone I want to forget about? May be this presence on the Web is not such a good idea. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Hey, if it's my old friend Jeff Lustick. I want you to know that I've thought of you from time to time. And I've been meaning to contact you. Whoever it is, give me a shout out.